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Arma 3 Realistic Mods

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Simulation Games 18

ARMA 3 is an open-world, realism-based, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive.It was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and later announced for macOS and Linux in August 2015. Aug 24, 2020. In this issue of the Community Profile we speak with Toadie, an Australian 3D artist and animator, who created the widely used NIArms mod. August 27, 2020 ARMA 3 ART OF WAR CONTEST: WINNERS REVEALED. We're proud to present the winners of the Arma 3 Art of War contest and share some first details about the related upcoming charity DLC.

Welcome to the Pathfinder Platoon! Join and you will find your shelf dropping deep behind enemy lines either rescuing a fallen solider or gathering intel or eliminating a high value target. JOIN TODAY !
Simulation Games 19
We are a modern Milsim group with laid back rules and members. If you want to join, we are open in dozens of ranks. We need pilots, grunts, and leaders. You can zeus aswell. We are accepting all members, no matter the age. (As long as you act mature) Please join us today. We do operations almost daily.
All Games 8
We are a semi-serious arma 3 group that does operations and other stuff and we enjoy shit posting!
RPG Games 29
Useful Links
- Website:
[coming soon]
- Rules:
[coming soon]
- Teamspeak:
- Server IP:
Fighting Games 37
Army Air Corps A Company
We are a British based Arma 3 Mil-Sim group, who is recruiting rotary, fixed wing pilots and infantry.
Time zone: BST/GMT
Recruitment Status: We are recruiting Rotary and Fixed wing pilots along with infantry / armoured infantry.
FPS Games 3
Sandbox Games 53
Welcome to OshKosh! An official Arma 3 server that had started up about five months ago and is slowly growing! We are glad you took interest in our community and welcome you into our ranks! We currently have an active Teamspeak Server and an Arma 3 server.
We're a group that has different operations every time, we range from World War 2 operations to even Operation: Trebuchet.
Simulation Games 24
We are an Arma 3 casual server looking for more people to participate in our operations and events.
All Games 47
This server is mainly for all arma pilots however this could be great for milsim groups to look for pilots or even arma players looking for a redneck pilot or just wanna chill in a great community.
Now just because you don't play arma can you bot join we have channels for other games and other members looking for some chill people to play with.
We also other training for new pilots from certified pilots mainly coming from koth so you already know their skill.
Community 17
The Year is 2035, Tensions rising all across the world. Terrorism is at a all time high. Police forces are backing down, surrendering to the terrorists while war happens all around them. Who do you call when the police and militaries back down? Well, the answer is Task Force 017. A team of top specialists around the world.
Fighting Games 13
A Arma 3 Unit/Division that gets together to play stuff from Operations, Anti-Stasi, or just basic missions in general. We do Vietnam and Modern Day! Recruiting New Members! (23 mods, must have ace and cup loaded.)
Simulation Games 23
⟨▬▬▬▬▬▬⟩ ArenaLife-RP ⟨▬▬▬▬▬▬⟩
Bonjour à tous ! Voici la présentation notre projet. En espérant que cela vous plaira ! ;)
Nous sommes une petite équipe qui à décider de créer un serveur Serious RP sur un contexte historique bouleverser par une grande découverte.
Avec des script inédit afin de garantir une expérience RP complète et fluide.
Nous sommes pour le moment une tout petite équipe, mais nous comptons recruter un maximum de personnes intéressés pour faire avancer notre projet.
Nous ne laisserons pas des idées et un projet comme ça tombe à l'eau, nous garderons la tête haute même dans les moments durs.
Des scènes RP exclusives, réfléchis et innovante !
Un système de farm !
Des évènements réguliers !
Une équipe à l'écoute !
Une expérience des plus réalistes possibles !
Des moyens de transports inédit !
Un serveur 100% Français avec sapeurs-pompiers, Police Nationale, des entreprises . Sur la carte Malden !
De nombreuses autres nouveautés vous attendent par la suite !
Nous avons besoin de personnes matures et sérieuses.
Mais une personne avec de l'humour est toujours le bienvenue !
| Développeur : SQF
Assistance Arena Support Discord ouverte 13h00/21h00 et de 21h00 à 1h00 assistance discord et TesmSpeak.
Email du serveur : [email protected]
Le site/Forum :
| Discord :
Vous êtes intéressés par ce projet ? Alors rejoignez-nous dès maintenant !
All Games 13
We are a new Arma 3 Exiles and Altis life community. Any joins would be greatly appreciated. We are a friendly community and always provide a welcoming hand to new people
All Games 32
All Games 11
Simulation Games 19
We are a new Arma 3 British army 51st infantry brigade unit. We have a upcoming deployment and are looking for troops to fill our ranks many nco roles are available. We have a both infantry and armour regiments that work as one to complete the mission. We are supported by a army air corps group and also do joint ops with a mechanized infantry group 2 York
All players are welcome
follow our Instagram
Fighting Games 19
Uprising community for a cqc arma 3 server. Staff applications are open!
Community 47
bonjour je viens vous présenter la communauté Wayne Corp [FR/BE/QC]
il s'agit d une communauté basé sur la bonne humeur et la déconnade ici vous venez laissez de côté tous vos souci et vous venez vous détendre avec nous.
🔸️Il y as des salons de discussion, des salons détentes, des salon avec de la musique ainsi que des salon de jeux
🔸️Il y aura aussi des évènements et des giveways avec pleins de cadeaux dont des jeux vidéo des grades VIP et autres.
🔸️Il y as aussi toute une catégorie pub pour les serveur voulant faire leurs publicités.
🔸️Il y as aussi une WebTV pour les steameurs, pour les musiciens !
🔸️Chaque steameur et Youtubeur peut avoir un espace pour eux pour partager leur chaines, interragir avec leur abonnés!
Nous possédons plusieurs Serveurs et Team de jeux !
PS: pour les Créateurs de serveurs de jeux n'hésitez pas a me contacter pour ajouter votre serveur à notre communauté
🔹️Nous possédons plus de 20 jeux au quel plusieurs d'entre nous jouons !
🔸️Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre communauté ? Ou rejoindre un de nos serveur de jeux ? Ou venir jouer avec d'autres joueurs sur votre jeu favoris ? N'hésitez pas la porte vous est grande ouverte
🔸️on recrute :
- Des Community Manager pour faire connaitre le serveur.
- Des Animateurs afin de faire vivre le serveur
- Des Partenaires afin que chacun des serveur s'unissent.
pour tous ceux qui veulent se faire de l argent juste en allant sur internet suivez ce lien
Vous êtes convaincu ? Nous vous accueillerons avec plaisir !
26 days ago
Simulation Games 12

Arma 3 Realistic Mods 1

We are a rather small Arma 3 Unit, with a decently sized modpack that takes up little space. We mainly focus on around the Black Templar chapter and a organised regiment of krieg fighting a variation of Xenos and Heretics. All people are welcome; we host in both American and European friendly timezones.
All Games 73
This is a discord server that runs gaming events and gives out prizes for winning these events. Roles are earned through merit. We already have a great community but I have always liked expanding. Please join for some great games with quality people.
If you do join make sure to check #self-role to see what games we offer.
Fighting Games 11
Group: US /UK JTF
Branch: Milsim RAF , US Army
Main Language: English
Timezone: BST / EU
Requirments: Must be 16 or older (exceptions can be made if mature), a legal copy of Arma 3 and a PC that is able to run it. We also have mods that you need to have in order to join and play with us.
NOTE: We are a brand new group, still developing. For now we only have 2 branches but we do plan to expand in the future with branches such as the Navy, Air Force and Marines. We also plan on having special forces for every single branch once we have enough members such as the Marines MARSOC, the Navy SEALs etc. We are pretty laid back outside of ops and trainings. We need active members however we are fairly strict within ops and trainings. The open positions, MOS'S and branches will be listed below
Army Roles:
Sniper/Spotter (Usually the more experienced sniper)
Ammo Bearer
Missile Specialist
Squad Leader
Fireteam Leader
RAF Roles:
Force Protection (Infantry)
Helicopter Pilot (Transport)
Helicopter Pilot (CAS)
Fixed Wing Pilot (Multi Role / JS)
Air Crew

Arma 3 Realistic Mods Free

Simulation Games 72
2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is a United States Army Military Simulation Unit based on the game ArmA III during the present day. We host deployment operations on our private servers using; terrain, weapon, radio, vehicle, and modifications.
Strategy Games 19
This is the second discord of the 11th Armored Cavalry Rgt. This is the zombie side of 11th Cavalry which is basically fun operations. Currently we are in a campaign in zombies in Nalmask. Good luck survivors!
Simulation Games 16
[MOVED TO A NEWER DISCORD, 2ND BATTALION YORKSHIRE REGIMENT ]Are you looking for a multi role ground/air British Semi Milsim unit? 2YORKS is the place for YOU! We host main Ops every Friday and we have many roles available such as 2YORKS, our Main mechanised infantry platoon, 662 Aviation who specialise in CAP, CAS, CAR and transport and operate Apaches, Wildcats and Chinooks, and our RAF 17th squadron who operate F35Bs and EuroFighter Typhoons and specialise in CAS, CAP and CAR. Also, if you are interested in any Heavy Armour positions, we are thinking of opening a 1YORKS platoon, who will specialise in heavy armour!We will always help new people and give support to others who need it and we thank you for reading this. Hope to see you out on the field!

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